You may be starting your healthy lifestyle and aren’t really sure where to start. Making healthier choices will tend to lead to making changes to your diet. Though you don’t have to start out cold turkey, you do have to make some changes to what and how you eat. Here are some dieting tips that can help lead you to your goal of a healthier lifestyle.
Slow Down
The speed at which eat your food could have an influence on how much you consume. Fast eaters or more likely to weigh more than slower eaters. The feeling of fullness is due to hormones signaling to your brain that you are hungry or full. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to receive the message from these hormones. So if you eat slower, you will give your brain the opportunity to notice it is full. Eating slower could reduce your intake of calories.
Whole Grains Over Refined
Choosing whole grains over refined-grained bread is an easy first step to take in your diet change. Whole grains have been linked to health benefits such as reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Whole grains are a good source of fiber, minerals, B vitamins, and magnesium. There is such a large selection of whole-grain bread in the stores, it’s easy to find one that tastes just as good as refined grain bread. Ensure that the bread is made with only whole grains by checking the label. Some bread will be a mixture of whole and refined grains.
Grocery Shopping
There are two very important rules when it comes to grocery shopping. First, don’t go to the grocery store hungry. This will make everything look appetising and cause you to impulse buy. Usually, impulse buys are not the healthiest options. Second, make sure you go with a list. If you have a list with everything you need, you won’t pick random items on your way down the aisle. Plan your meals for the week so you know exactly what you need.
Increasing Protein
Protein has the ability to satisfy your hunger and level out your hormones. A study showed that people who increased their intake from 15 percent to 30 percent, ate fewer calories in the day, without reducing their food intake. Protein can also help retain your muscle mass which in turn determines the rate of your metabolism. Adding protein into your meal or snack choices can help you feel fuller for longer and help you avoid overeating. Eggs, nuts, dairy products, peanut butter, beans, and lean meat are great sources of protein.
Try New Things
Many people lose the battle by starting a healthy lifestyle due to the frustration of lack of variety. People will find healthy foods and eat them over and over again. Though it is healthy, it gets boring and often leads to breaking your healthy habits by having a “cheat day.” Try to add at least one new healthy recipe into your routine per week. Try a healthy version of your favorite recipes or favorite fast food meal.