As the countdown to her book launch begins, Rachel Withers gives us an insight into her life as a writer and what inspired her to become the successful author she is today in this exclusive interview with Truly Trendy.

Rachel Withers is a speaker, author and coach and her latest book Become a FITPreneur is the go-to read for anyone with a passion for fitness and the desire to be successful in the industry.  With an easy to follow guide full of implementable strategies and actionable tools, Rachel will put you on the road to success.

Although the official launch date of the book isn’t until the 24th May, Become a FITPreneur has already received some amazing 5 star reviews from satisfied customers looking for help with their own fitness businesses.  Here’s what Karen (UK) had to say:

‘Great guide to follow and keep you on track! Found this book really motivational. Quick and easy to read. Full of advice and tried and tested tips. Covers everything from first thoughts about going into the industry to putting thoughts and dreams successfully into action. Full of what NOT to do as well as what TO do so you can avoid timely and costly mistakes. Really looking forward to putting some of these ideas into action. Would recommend to anyone considering your own fitness venture.’

With the hope that there may soon be an end to this lockdown, now is the perfect time to prepare yourself and your fitness business for success on the other side.  Become a FITPreneur will help you get your business up and running and allow you to really start living out your passion and making money doing what you love.  What are you waiting for?

“Follow your dreams and live life being true to yourself, don’t look to others, or their opinions to give you a sense of worth. The world needs us all to shine, and be true to ourselves.” – Rachel Withers.

Read the full interview here.

CLICK HERE to buy now on Amazon UK.