Your beliefs and self-talk are enormous factors that shape your ability to realise your goals and create the life you want. I truly believe that no amount of hard work and determination will lead to success and fulfilment if your self-beliefs aren’t aligned with your dreams and your passions.
We only move toward outcomes that we truly believe to be possible. A firm belief that our dreams are truly possible is more important than our talents, abilities, and skill sets. Whether you’re working on getting fit or on building a sustainable and profitable business, you must first believe that it’s possible for you.
“Only you can control your future” — Dr. Seuss
Become a Master Gardener of Your Mind
Think of your mind as a flower garden. Gardens can be beautiful and thriving, but they don’t grow without hard work and dedication.
Your mind is the same way. The flowers are our positive beliefs. When we nurture them with thoughts like I can do this and I am good enough, we are cultivating a mindset of growth and success. But if we allow negative thoughts to infiltrate our mind — I’m not talented enough, I’m never going to make it — it’s like letting the weeds grow unchecked.
For the garden to flourish and for us to reap the benefits that we are all truly capable of, we must nurture the positive beliefs and choke out the limiting thought patterns. If you don’t believe in yourself, you will never choke out those weeds.
You Will Face Challenges
Developing a growth mindset isn’t easy. Life will throw obstacles in your path and give you every reason to retreat to a space that feels safe. You have to be willing to step out into the unfamiliar and the uncomfortable with the faith that your dream will open up a world of possibility.
Our setbacks and obstacles provide us with a foundation of resilience, and this resilience is what enables us to rise above challenges again and again. Most people quit when it gets challenging. Instead of asking themselves, How do I get through this? they wonder if they are capable. They will never see the beautiful flower garden, because they never truly believe in themselves.
You must always approach new challenges with a mindset of how, not if.
Practicing Mindfulness
Developing a regular meditation practice can strengthen the areas of the brain that control awareness and emotional control. When we begin to gain greater awareness of our thoughts and emotions, we can more easily identify the thoughts that are holding us back.
When you notice yourself entering a negative thought pattern, stop and ask yourself, Is this thought really true? Can you think of an example in your life that demonstrates that this thought isn’t true? Use this example to create a new, positive thought.
I am are two very powerful words. But it is what you put after them that shapes your life: I am good enough, I am equipped to do this. Change your belief and you change your reality.
My Big Why
When I was a dancer, I lost a lot of confidence and faith in myself along the way. It got to a point where I had no belief in my ability, and I left the dance world. But I later remembered my love for the art and the reason I started dancing to begin with. I wanted the transformative power of ballet to be accessible to everyone. I started my company BalletBeFit because I wanted to add value to people’s lives.
I didn’t get as far in the dance world as I could have because I lacked self-belief. I now want to show others that they don’t need to be held back by a lack of self-belief. If you have an idea in your head and passion in your heart, then your dream can become a reality.
My personal development courses are designed to help people just like you break free from limiting beliefs, strengthen your self-worth, and expand your reach and capabilities. Devoting time to your personal growth is absolutely essential to stepping into your power and living out your purpose. Learn more at