Adopting the right mindset is critical for success in life. I talk to people every day who have great ideas and big goals, but they don’t believe in their own ability to succeed. They say things like, “Who am I to become a life coach?” or “Someone else is already doing what I want to do.”

By comparison, the world is full of successful people who will admit that they aren’t the smartest or the most educated or the most qualified. They simply had a firm belief that what they wanted to achieve was possible, and they went after it. I truly believe that having a mindset of success is more important than your skills or education or abilities.

Changing your mindset won’t happen overnight. We all have limiting beliefs that have been programmed into us since childhood. But with practice, you can redirect your mindset to help you succeed.

Develop a Morning Routine

When we rush into our day feeling stressed by the thought of everything we have to accomplish, we’re setting ourselves up to create even more stress. Set aside some time in the morning to get your mindset right. Start getting up earlier if you have to. In his book, The Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod recommends getting up early and setting aside the first hour of your day by spending 10 minutes each on six important activities: meditation, journaling, reading, affirmations, visualization, and exercise.

If an hour isn’t realistic for you, start small. Try spending five minutes in meditation and 10 minutes writing down your most important goals. Starting your day on a positive note can do wonders for your mindset — and your stress levels — as you go about your day.

Here are some of my favorite activities for starting my day with a positive mindset.

1. Meditation

Research has shown again and again that meditation is good for both our mental health and our physical health. Just sitting quietly for a few minutes a day can reduce stress, increase our attention and focus, and improve our decision-making and problem-solving abilities.

If you’re new to meditation, don’t let it scare you. Simply set a timer on your phone for five minutes and sit quietly. Focus on your breath and try to lengthen your inhalations and exhalations. When you notice your mind wandering — and it will — gently bring it back to your breath. Over time, you’ll find it easier to sit in stillness for longer periods. You may also want to try a meditation app like Headspace or Insight Timer.

2. Set an Intention for the Day

Before you jump into your day, think about what you want to accomplish and how you want to feel at the end of the day. Do you have a big project due or a contract you want to close? Visualize everything going perfectly. Focus on your intention, and don’t let non-essential tasks distract you from reaching a successful outcome.

3. Choose a Mantra or an Affirmation

Decide on a mantra or affirmation to use throughout the day. It can be something as simple as “today will be a good day.” If you’re having doubts about your abilities, choose an affirmation like “I am good at my job.” Whenever you notice your thoughts heading in a negative direction, repeat your affirmation silently to yourself. Or try saying it out loud to yourself in the mirror, even if you feel silly. Eventually, it will become easier to stop negative thoughts in their tracks and redirect them to something more positive.

4. Keep a Gratitude Journal

Every morning, I like to write down at least three things I am grateful for. Focusing on the positive aspects of your life can energize you, transform your mindset, and even improve your physical health. Try to come up with three new things every morning. At the end of the day, return to your journal and write down three things that went well that day.

My personal development courses are designed to help people just like you break free from limiting beliefs and develop a mindset of success. Learn more at