Our mindset plays a huge role in all aspects of our lives. I believe your mindset, dreams, and ideas can enable you to design your life from the inside out. And it all starts with your self-belief.

If you truly believe that something is attainable, that’s the beginning of everything. Some people believe that education ends when you leave college. Those who achieve significant success in life will tell you they took a different approach: a path of continued self-development. They sought out opportunities to step out of their comfort zone and into their power.

Why This Is So Important to Me

When I was a professional ballet dancer, I experienced a lack of self-belief that affected my performance, and I ultimately left the dance world because of it. I didn’t get as far as a dancer as I could have because I lacked self-belief, not talent. I never want anyone else to be held back by their lack of self-belief. That’s why my mission is to help you be the successful person you are meant to be.

The Importance of Self-Belief

A limited self-belief is the only thing that stands between you and the future that you desire. Your belief and self-talk are enormous factors that shape your ability to realize your goals and create the life you want. I truly believe that no amount of hard work and determination will lead to success and fulfillment if your self-beliefs aren’t aligned with your dreams and your passions.

We only move toward outcomes that we believe are possible. A firm belief that our dreams are truly possible is far more important than our talents, abilities, and skill sets. That’s true whether you’re working on getting fit or on building a sustainable and profitable business. You must first believe that it really is possible for you.

The Need to Overcome the Negative Mindset

In order to improve our self-belief, we must overcome the negative mindset that is so easy to fall into. This negative mindset manifests in different ways. We often become so worried about what others may think of us that we don’t even try to reach our goals. But as Eleanor Roosevelt said, “You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.”

How to Improve Your Self-Belief

These steps will help you overcome the negative mindset and improve your self-belief. Don’t be discouraged if it takes some time. Many of us have been stuck in a negative mindset for so long that it can take consistent practice to change the way we think. So don’t give up!

1. Keep a Success Journal

Write down what you’ve already achieved. It’s easy to forget or downplay how much we’ve already accomplished or how far we’ve come. Take a few moments to write down some of the accomplishments you’re most proud of. Did you get a job you really wanted? Start your own business? Lose 10 pounds? Every time you meet a new goal or have a win, add it to your success journal and take a moment to celebrate it.

2. Stop Negative Self-Talk

It’s normal for us to engage in negative self-talk. How often do you say things like I’ll never get that client or I can never lose weight?

As a motivational speaker and author Brian Tracy says, “never say anything about yourself that you don’t want to come true.” Start paying more attention to the negative messages you are feeding yourself and replace it with positive self-talk.

3. Write Down Your Goals

Identify your most important goals and write them down. Make sure they are SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Write them down regularly — ideally, every day. As you do so, you are programming them into your subconscious mind and reinforcing the belief that it’s possible for you to achieve them.

My personal development courses are designed to help people just like you break free from limiting beliefs, strengthen your self-worth, and expand your reach and capabilities. Devoting time to your personal growth is absolutely essential to stepping into your power and living out your purpose. Learn more at https://rachelwithershq.co.uk.