Developing the right mindset is essential for success in life, whether you want to achieve personal, professional, or relationship goals, or discover who you really are and what you desire in life.

I truly believe that mindset is more important than talent or skills. Research shows that the way you view yourself and the world around you can impact your ability to learn new things, handle stress, and achieve your goals. Getting more of what you want in life requires cultivating an abundance mindset.

Scarcity Mindset vs. Abundance Mindset

In his famous book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey describes the difference between an abundance mindset and a scarcity mindset. Many people go through life with a scarcity mentality — the belief that there isn’t enough of everything to go around. Whether they consciously realize it or not, they believe that when one person achieves success or prosperity, there’s less remaining for everyone else.

A scarcity mindset can lead to feelings of jealousy, fear, and resentment. When abundance is viewed as a zero-sum game, it’s hard to be happy for the success of others.

An abundance mindset, on the other hand, recognizes that resources and successes are unlimited — there are enough for everyone. Your friend or colleague’s successes are no cause for jealousy or resentment because you recognize that everything you desire in life is available to you.

How to Create an Abundance Mindset

The following tips can help you cultivate an abundance mindset.

1. Recognize the Power of Your Thoughts

Your thoughts are powerful. As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.” We only move toward outcomes that we believe are possible. If you’re constantly feeding yourself negative messages, no amount of hard work and determination will help you achieve your goals. To move toward abundance, work on replacing any negative self-beliefs, and self-talk with positive messages.

2. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful force that can improve your mindset and even your physical health. Focus on what you have in life and be thankful for it, rather than focusing on what you think you’re lacking. Keep a gratitude journal: every day, write down 10 things you are thankful for. Try to think of different things for each day.

3. Spend Time With Positive People

You become like the people you spend the most time with. So be careful — mindsets are contagious. Put together a group of positive people who are committed to celebrating each other’s successes, and arrange to meet on a regular basis. If possible, remove negative people from your life, or limit the time you spend with them. If you live or work with people who complain a lot, this may be a challenge. Refuse to engage in complaining or other negative behaviors by changing the subject to something positive. You don’t have to explain that you don’t want to listen to their negative talk — simply ignore it.

4. See Challenges as Opportunities

When challenges arise, it’s easy to get discouraged and start thinking that things never go your way. But challenges and unexpected setbacks are a part of life — and can often be a blessing in disguise. Try to see the positive in every situation. For example, if you lose a client, maybe that means you now have room in your schedule to hire one who is less demanding. Give thanks for the opportunity, even if it isn’t clear yet what the upside is.

5. Use Daily Affirmations

Positive affirmations can be a powerful tool for improving your mindset, and research shows they can improve problem-solving abilities when people are under stress. When you notice yourself feeling fearful or engaging in negative self-talk, write down your fear or negative belief. Then, write down the opposite and turn this into a positive affirmation that you repeat to yourself whenever negative feelings arise.

By being intentional about your thoughts and your outlook on life, you can begin to cultivate an abundance mindset and begin creating a more fulfilling life. My personal development courses are designed to help people just like you break free from limiting beliefs and strengthen your feelings of self-worth. Devoting time to your personal growth is absolutely essential to stepping into your power and living out your purpose. Learn more at